Apple Company | Teen Ink

Apple Company

April 10, 2013
By Anonymous

Apple Company

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak established the Apple Company in 1976 confined in a garage. These two men have worked hard to build advanced technology, and have now become well known in the technology and business world. This innovative company is ranked 8th most popular in the country, according to many sources. On the other hand, Apple has received negative and positive comments.


Cost- Since 2007, the economy has decreased dramatically in computers and technology, causing people to lose their home and money. The cost of the least expensive MacBook is more than $1000. Unfortunately, by the time you bought an Apple product, the cost will increase. To make sure that you have the protection plans, and expensive downloads, could cost up to $500. Buying one of these computers can put a family in a setback, but if the prices decrease, the computer would be well worth the money. So think about the cost before you go and buy an Apple product.

Downloads- Many downloadable programs can not be accessed on an Apple computer. For example, many architectural programs can not be downloaded to an Apple computer. The other day I talked to an architect, and he stated that the only reason why he does not buy most Apple computers consequently, because of the limited amount of architectural programs. Also, these programs can not be downloaded because programmers generally start building the programs for Windows computers. According to Yahoo, 90% of Americans use Windows. Therefore, causing program designers to use Windows.

Different controls- As soon as someone receives or buys a new computer, they usually don't read the instructions, and figure it out on their own. Well, that is usually with Windows computers. On the other hand, Apple computers have many more controls than Windows. MacBooks have a different mouse pad. Instead of having the mouse pad and the right and left keys, Macs have a trackpad. A trackpad is a mousepad, where you click on the mousepad instead of the right and left keys. So, to copy and paste, you have to use Command, or numbers to do these controls. Although this may be easier for some people, others will not think so.

What I Like

Speed and Features- When I am at home or at school, my iPad is lightning fast. Because of the dual-band router, and the endless memory, Apple products are stress-free for browsing the internet or checking e-mails. Apple products allow me to multi-task at work or at home, thanks to the features that Apple designed. The multitasking gestures, such as sliding 4 fingers on the trackpad, lets me move from desktop to desktop for going to e-mails, to documents, or to play games. Another genius feature, is iCloud. This feature lets people who have more than one Apple product stream pictures and personal items from one product to another. Apple products allow users to use these features to make life a little bit easier, and a little more relaxing for hard working parents, adults, and children.

In conclusion, Apple has many negatives such as downloads, controls, and cost. On the other hand, Apple still manages to be one of the most well known companies in the world, and helps me and many other people with work and personal use.

The author's comments:
I love Apple, but it has it's flaws.

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Birdy33 BRONZE said...
on Apr. 15 2013 at 11:17 am
Birdy33 BRONZE, Fsdfdsfs, Connecticut
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