All you really need in life written by Anna Timms | Teen Ink

All you really need in life written by Anna Timms

October 24, 2019
By Cowle660 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Cowle660 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
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All you really need in life written by "Anna Timms" Talks about how many people were left without homes.

I agree with Anna because in the passage it says,” So many of them have suffered so much, but they are still the happiest people.” This makes me feel like is should appreciate everything I have now so much more. She also talks about how some houses were so demolished that many of them had to be rebuilt with garbage and driftwood that washed up on the sea shore. Some people even lived in old boats that washed up on the shore as well as train cars. My house is made out of wood not trash. This makes me feel like I should appreciate what I have and not complain when something goes wrong because some kids don’t have anything at all and still appreciate their lives more than I do.

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