My Bad thoughts on Subway | Teen Ink

My Bad thoughts on Subway

April 26, 2019
By willsways3 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
willsways3 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I could rate this store negatively I would but it doesn't let me. According to all of subway's commercials,"eat fresh" is their slogan, but it is totally the opposite and I will explain why.

Hi I used to work at subway and I was basically working as a slave in this prison. I was flabbergasted to be scheduled to work almost 40 hours a week over the summer because they only had four total employees because the management was so bad. Everyone quit because the owner/manager of the store was a complete a**hole and he basically forced me to keep my job. The way that this Subway in Delafield was operated was completely mismanaged. The owner only cared about customers, so he would treat all of his employees like slaves. Controlling them to a point where everyone who worked there hated him. He would always make racist and sexual jokes causing the whole workplace to be uncomfortable.

Second, this subway broke many of the Subway rules. I knew what the rules were because I would often ask if this was okay or not because it seemed ethically wrong. The rules they broke included keeping bread that was over one day old, not cleaning dishes if they,looked clean, cross-contaminating all of the food and not caring about any of the rules.

Overall this place should be taken away from the owner and stripped of its name because this is not what a true Subway should be like. It's horrible to see this but action needs to be taken.

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