Fast Food Burger Comparison | Teen Ink

Fast Food Burger Comparison

April 4, 2019
By Anonymous

McDonald’s, the biggest fast food restaurant chain in the world, may be struggling to keep up with its competitors. As Wendy’s and Burger King continue to increase the quality of their burgers, McDonald’s needs to do the same to keep up. Fast food is a cheap, easy and accessible way to eat and while it may not be great for your health, it sure does taste good. I’ve always enjoyed McDonalds’ burgers but I’ve never tried Wendy’s or Burger King which is why I decided to do this project.

I wanted to test out the burgers to see how they all compared to each other. I went with two friends for the extra company. The plan was to compare the basic cheeseburger from each restaurant as well as the specialty burgers from McDonald’s and Burger King: the Big Mac and the Whopper respectively. We ordered one McDonald’s cheeseburger, a Big Mac, two Wendy’s cheeseburgers, two Burger King cheeseburgers, and a Whopper.

We went to McDonald’s first, then Wendy’s and finally Burger King before bringing all of the burgers home to eat. I took a bite from each of the basic cheeseburgers while my friends started with the extra Burger King and Wendy’s burger. We switched burgers until everyone had tried them all before talking about what we liked about each one.

I decided that McDonald’s was the best, Wendy’s was not far behind and that Burger King was much worse. I liked how simple yet delicious the McDonald’s burger was, it didn’t have any overpowering flavors but was still very flavorful. The Wendy’s burger had too little flavor in my opinion but was still enjoyable. The Burger King burger was dry and not very flavorful, it tasted very average.

After we ate the regular burgers we moved on to the Big Mac and the Whopper. We split each burger into 3 pieces and tried the Big Mac first. I could immediately tell it had way too much sauce which ruined the taste of the burger. In the bites that weren’t overloaded with sauce, it was quite good but these bites were not common. Moving onto the Whopper, it seemed like it was basically a bigger version of the regular Burger King burger with more vegetables. It still tasted too dry and bland. I thought the Big Mac was worse than the Whopper because of all the sauce but the sauce could easily be removed which would make it much better than the Whopper.

This was a fun experience for me because I really enjoy fast food. I had never tried a Wendy’s or Burger King burger so it was interesting to get to try and compare them to the McDonald’s burger. I still like the McDonald’s burger best but I look forward to comparing other similar items from different fast food restaurants in the future.

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