Benefits of attending summer camp | Teen Ink

Benefits of attending summer camp

March 6, 2019
By Anonymous

Benefits of attending summer camp

by Christina Besecker,Auburn,New York

In her article it talks about the benefits of attending summer camp and how after attending for over 10 years and going thru L.I.T training it has taught her to be a better person and how to be patient and fair. “Through 10 summers. I've learned so many new things and explored unique activities.” She also talks about how the camp helped her become a better person “Before this program I was extremely shy; camp helped me come out of my shell and be who I truly am. Because of her view on camp it has made me think about going myself to a local camp or to state FFA camp.

Youth to Youth conference

By sophia cetina,Rye, New York

In her article it talks about eastern states youth to youth conference to foster leadership and prevention skills. She said “The theme for this year's conference was to discover the other side of impossible” which is working to identify an individual's inhibitions and channeling that fear to conquer any impossible goal that you might have. Also at the conference it talks about familial itinerary. Students enjoyed four staff-led workshops.The next step is to share the knowledge with others in the community.It's important for tennagers to creat places to connect,have fun which is something that i agree with the author. “A place to connect,have fun,and be your authentic self” which no has made me see the benefit of youth to youth conference

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