His Time | Teen Ink

His Time

March 4, 2019
By Wooten BRONZE, Continental, Ohio
Wooten BRONZE, Continental, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “His Time,” written by Kriselle Tanhueco, talks about her love life, in which she pours herself out and opens up about her past love. If I’m being completely honesty I can say I understand the author, it is hard and especially hard if you and your partner spilt up, all the negative talk from your peers and the shame thinking you did something wrong, I feel for the author. Then she processes to pour herself out to him and he turns her down and she walks away wondering where it all went wrong, what she did to deserve this she really cared for him, she says, “…I’ve never found someone as good as you. I don’t think I’ll ever find someone as good as you.” I know his does happen a lot, from my own personal experience, and it doesn’t feel good, if people would be more straight forward with each other this type of thing wouldn’t happen as much. His story “His Time” is very well-written I followed along and put myself into this situation and engaged myself in the reading, which was very strong.

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