Blissful Waterfalls | Teen Ink

Blissful Waterfalls

February 28, 2019
By macifroelich BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
macifroelich BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled Blissful Waterfalls, written by Anonymous, talks about how amazing nature is and how it can make you feel. Their writing left me feeling happy and remembering how awesome nature and summer are. They start off by saying, “The sun shimmers over the rocky terrain. Uneven surfaces stare at me. Water trickles between my exposed toes.” This left me feeling like I can relate to this in the sweet summertime. This is a very well written story and it can put anyone in a bright happy mood in an instant. “I cannot remember the pollution which litters the earth…In this moment, the water and I are all that matter. In this moment, all pain slips away as a Zen embraces my body.” They said. This just tells you how amazing it made this person feel.

The author's comments:

This was a nice article to write a review on.

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