A Midnight Drive | Teen Ink

A Midnight Drive

February 28, 2019
By macifroelich BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
macifroelich BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled A Midnight Drive, written by Jordi, talks about a late night drive to Taco Bell. Her writing left me feeling suspenseful because she never finished the story and I want to know what happens next. This was a great story with lots of suspense and I feel like they should add onto this story to tell who it was in the car and how she thought she knew them. When she stated, “He meets my eyes and a flicker of surprise passes my face” that left me feeling confused on why she was surprised and where she knew him from. She had talked about how the guy in the passenger seat looked so much like the boy she tried so hard to forget, which left me feeling confused. “He stares for a minute or two then drives forward when the car in front of him moves.” She said. It was a well written story, but it needs to be longer and easier to understand.

The author's comments:

This was a nice story to write a review on.

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