Dorms in College...and Beyond | Teen Ink

Dorms in College...and Beyond

November 27, 2018
By madikelley2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
madikelley2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Dorms in College…and Beyond,” written by Nicholas W., talks about dorms in college. His writing left me feeling like I want to go to college. I can agree that this article is relatable because you always want to hang out with your friends. I do understand this article because it is taking care of yourself and other utilities that you need to have a better life. I do see the same issues that we don’t have enough money sometimes for bills, then you can’t pay for college and sometimes you will get kicked out of college if you don’t pay. I think this article is written really well and that younger teens like freshman and older can relate to what college dorms they want. The arguments are written very strong and you can relate to them. I am not left confused. This article is well written, and I do relate to weather I want to go to college or not to know if it’s worth my time. “For about $2,000/ month starcity residence get furnished bedroom, a shared bathroom and rights to common areas such as a living room, a kitchen, and outdoor spaces. The rent also includes utilities and Wi-Fi, just like college,” said Nicholas.  “Those rooms, with just enough space for single bed and a desk, may be your future…your long-time future,” says Nicholas.

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