A letter to My Middle-School Self | Teen Ink

A letter to My Middle-School Self

September 24, 2018
By nevaehparks BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
nevaehparks BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing Titled “A letter to My Middle-School Self”

Written by Patience K.

The writing titled “ A letter to My Middle-School Self” written by Patience K. talks about her middle school life. His or her writing left me feeling more powerful than I really am.

She wrote,” You're 5’2” weighing a solid 118 pounds, you aren't as big as you think you are.” I can relate to that. This article states that people are mean. People will say cruel things. People will talk behind your back. People will talk about your appearance. I can relate to this because people have done this to me. If anybody is slightly different people are going to say something about it. She wrote,” You're more a chihuahua than a pitbull,” What is got from the story was no matter how many times in your life that you felt helpless or lost, there is always the one to break you and the one to fix you again.

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