The Shipwreck | Teen Ink

The Shipwreck

March 4, 2018
By kxtie000 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
kxtie000 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The seas swell to the beating of my heart 
Crashing across the coarse desert sand 
Faces paint the swelling tides as art   
I hold firmly the paintbrush in my hand 
As sunken ships coat the abyss below 
Dragging secrets down like the anchor 
With it my undying love sinks, heart undertow
Down to the depths of death it sank her 
Loneliness is that of sleepless dreams 
For now to eternity waves shall never cease
Sands shall never shift unnoticed, it seems
As though silence is the current peace
Fusing together as a joint breath
We commence the abiding dance of death

The author's comments:

I was inspired by my childhood trips to Astoria where there is a shipwreck, known as the Peter Iredale, washed up on the beach. I took inspiration from the stormy weather of Astoria as well as the sand dunes that surround the Shipwreck. Not far from the Shipwreck is Fort Stevens, an old American military installation that guarded the mouth of the Columbia River, I also took inspiration from the base which you can now visit today. Fort Stevens is now a shell of what it once was and full of stories. 

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