My Favorite Candy | Teen Ink

My Favorite Candy

March 29, 2017
By Anonymous

Reese's Pieces is my only choice.

And its loved by many children as well.

And it was that candy that gave me voice.

For Reese's Pieces I will scream and yell.

Reese's peanut butter has its own taste.

And Reese's Pieces are easy to hold.

But Hershey's kisses are never a waste.

Instead of M and M's, pieces are bold.

Reese's made the cups first, pieces later.

If its Reese's it is peanut butter.

We love it, even the chocolate hater.

Reese's Pieces take you from the gutter.

If your life happens to be in pieces,

Glue it together with Reese's Pieces.

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