Amendment 19 | Teen Ink

Amendment 19

January 28, 2017
By Music123 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Music123 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"fake it till you make it!"

There was a lady named Lucretia Mott
Who wanted voting rights for all of us
Wyoming helped, they elected mayor Ross
Who was a woman and helped them gain trust
  18 more states decided to join
By allowing women to vote as well
  Some states decided not to flip their coin
  So some ladies had packed and said farewell
  Then in 1920 rights were addressed
  Saying that women were allowed to vote
  Joyfully, women felt extremely blessed
A right given to all women to tote
Tote this right happily, they did you see
‘Cause they were almost treated as equally

The author's comments:

This is how a feel about our 19 amendment here in the US.

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