Painful Scar | Teen Ink

Painful Scar

January 27, 2017
By TuckerG BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
TuckerG BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Seeing her there makes me cry with despair.
She has left me with a very painful scar.
You are leaving me so soon it’s unfair,
I wish you were still here, you are so far.
You and I spent so much time together.
Why must you leave me alone here so soon.
Hopefully one day I will feel better.
Remembering you while on a sand dune.
I really don't want to live without you.
I do not see the point of being here.
I have no clue of what I’m gonna’ do.
I fear I won't be seeing you, my dear.
I just know I will see you again soon,
In a place that is higher than the moon.


The author's comments:

This piece is about a man who just lost his wife and isn't really ready to deal with the sorrow and loss.

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