The Leaf | Teen Ink

The Leaf

January 17, 2017
By CreeperTime935 SILVER, Coronado, California
CreeperTime935 SILVER, Coronado, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is like a river, it contains a lot of rocks and falls, it will push and pull you under, but you've got to say afloat. It helps to get a raft!" -Me

I sit upon the tree the whole world known,
I can see as far as I want--stretching,
Stretch on and on it does without a clone,
How lonely, my friends abandoning me,

My connection destroying v’ry slowly,
No longer giving nor taking I am,
My job has been completed though lowly,
I’m ready my, sustaining program ends,

I fall the air on me as if a breeze,
I look the floor is what I have in store,
I ride the winds as if a wave on seas,
Before I float upon the desert shore,

I wasted away, t’at breezy Sunday,
That corpse riding air infinitely.

The author's comments:

I had written a sonnet in my English class when we were reading Romeo and Juliet, and I thought it would be cool to try one that was off prompt.

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