Completely With It | Teen Ink

Completely With It

December 20, 2016
By tpilger BRONZE, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky
tpilger BRONZE, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Known her all my life, Best friends forever
She is tall and skinny, big heart, brown eyes,
and only improves my great endevour.
I would not trade her for stars in the skies

For her humour is so very impressive
That I so very often of laughter
Deeper feelings have to be repressive
What will I do without her hereafter?

Oh I hate to tell her when I must go
back to a place where we both are alone.
I cannot go on I must let her know
That my love for her goes straight to the bone.

A reationship I wish that I had
As long as shes with me I will not be mad

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