Along the Way | Teen Ink

Along the Way

December 19, 2016
By Mdietz BRONZE, Fort Thomas, Kentucky
Mdietz BRONZE, Fort Thomas, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The old man sat by his front door
Thinking of all the things he never did
He was lazy and never went for more
Didn’t even have the motivation to have a kid

All through his life, he didn’t care
He believed that people were fake
The one thing he had was he was a millionaire
He was rude, even with people’s feelings at stake

He had no family, nor friends or buddy
The man spent his life in fear
Refused to go help people, afraid to get his hands muddy
Everyone that counted on him knew he wouldn’t appear

Reflecting on his life at a dying age
Wishing he didn’t put himself in a metaphorical cage

The author's comments:

This piece is about living life to the fullest.

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