Lifee | Teen Ink


December 16, 2016
By myLonelyDreamer BRONZE, San Gabriel, California
myLonelyDreamer BRONZE, San Gabriel, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To those who knows life,
Despite the displeasures that comes along when life says, “Behold!”
“Feel the unpleasancy of being stabbed by a knife!”
But life is like a story waiting to be told

Each story so utterly different, so unique and captivating
Yet so similar and relatable
Every one different yet not so in the way others may continue believing
Despite all, friendship comes out of this relation, so easily attainable

Or is it so friendship breaks in a single touch
So fragile it is, as any other would cry for
In the end, the friendship comes and goes, but heartwarming much
It’s sad but life is so, to take away the happiness but replace it with more

More than friendship is left to discover
For life has much more to cover

The author's comments:

This, as well, is for a school assignment but I just want to see about it

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