For Him | Teen Ink

For Him

December 12, 2016
By tmchanga BRONZE, Cohoes, New York
tmchanga BRONZE, Cohoes, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live simply so others can simply live." Matthew Espinosa
"The only difference between the big shot and the little shot is the big shot is simply a little shot who kept shooting." Jack Edward Johnson

I hate that right now you are just my friend
I am always seen as one of the guys
When you ask for help, I will lend a hand
Even though I always swoon at your eyes
And your smile is brighter than the sun
When your laughter is what brightens my world
Those are times when you are the only one
Your great hair is styled with a small curl
Your flaws make you stand out from anyone
Not being afraid to show them all off
Your confidence hits me like a full gun
While some say for you I am too goth
I don't care, you are the one Cupid hit
I am in love with you, don't you get it?

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