Fall Flowers | Teen Ink

Fall Flowers

October 26, 2016
By HeyItsMk BRONZE, Jasper, Indiana
HeyItsMk BRONZE, Jasper, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Flowers, blow softly in the crisp fall air,
They always wonder why they are stuck there.
One by one their colors fade away,
One by one they are turning gray.

Flowers that were once so beautiful and bright,
Are now nothing but worn and white.
The sun is setting for another day,
So the flowers will no longer be on display.

During the cold crisp night,
No one knows that they are about to take flight.
Into the darkness,
The flowers are now heartless.

As the petals softly fall to the ground,
The flowers wait patiently for summer to come back around.

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