Trash and Pollution Poem | Teen Ink

Trash and Pollution Poem

June 3, 2016
By HistoryWorker BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
HistoryWorker BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                          History has be seen by negative  

                       and positive signs
                    harsh and clearness flows.
                 We all have been observed with

              We truly can’t have a description 
                     what see in nowadays.
             No matter, its the personality of trust,
                   to clean our areas in a
                           respectful way.
                We do oppose a sign to help
                          evaluate the time
            Pollution just occurs when it's free
                perhaps all over the world

              Help is needed for clearing any
                          pollution now.
   Restating how it resembles our history
        is matter of fact to switch observations.

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