Grad Bashin' | Teen Ink

Grad Bashin'

June 2, 2016
By carolinagmendoza BRONZE, Key Biscayne, Florida
carolinagmendoza BRONZE, Key Biscayne, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I sipped on the smoothness of this drink

Of the cold butter beer, it brought me to tears
I was excited, being brought to the brink
On what the future had, having no fear
The thrill of the rides made my blood flow fast
And I longed to go on all of them
With nine wild Belen boys, things got severe
Chaos was formed in every line that was clear
But that’s what helped create the memories
The rides, foods, and games all came into play
All the moments made weren’t going to fade
I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way

The author's comments:

My experience at Gradbash during my senior year in a nutshell

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