The Devil That Lives Within (My Migraine Story) | Teen Ink

The Devil That Lives Within (My Migraine Story)

May 25, 2016
By BLDarrow BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
BLDarrow BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A presence hides itself behind my head
Sweet silence is swept from me with a ring
I beg to stop this hell I’ve come to dread
The devil is released that lives within

His fork impales itself inside my eye
I feel the crimson although nothing's there
Demented thoughts consume my soul and mind
The rivers flood and leave me with no air

I feel my face begin to burn and melt,
The ringing turns into a soulless scream,
I beg, I cry for someone to come help,
To save me from this never ending dream

The devil quits, the devil’s had his way
He hides himself to come another day

The author's comments:

I suffer from cluster headaches and migraines. They're excruciatingly painful and something I live with everyday. I wanted to write a sonnet about my experience to show people what it's like to live with something like this.

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