In the Dark it Rains like Frozen Stars | Teen Ink

In the Dark it Rains like Frozen Stars

May 11, 2016
By Anatolia SILVER, Lander, Wyoming
Anatolia SILVER, Lander, Wyoming
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In the dark it rains like frozen stars, long
Is this fall-night, cold, burning, liquid stone
O great silence, only the winds that moan
The storm stays, hours does the fire burn on
Until the gatekeeper struggles to long
Keep the doors sealed. Fire! Ice! Now the storm grows
Till the silence is broken, is o’erthrown
The storm stays, hours does the fire burn on

“Open the gates!” shouts the gatekeeper now
He will let the storm in-the gates bow down
Or else they’d fall away. He knows not how
The burning rain washes grime from the ground
And the fire goes out in the fireplace
And a new fire burns all the night away

The author's comments:

This piece is really about citharsis, about the washing away of all the fears and baggage that keep us from living. Experiences in my own life of these fears, baggage, inspired me to write this.
I hope it will relate to people in this way.

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