Beside the Breeze | Teen Ink

Beside the Breeze

May 9, 2016
By bull307 BRONZE, Reading, Ohio
bull307 BRONZE, Reading, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As azure sea's white foam does soak the sand,

And dolphins dance and swim through dipping tide,

And drooping eyes do spy the Holy Land,

You walk with me upon your shore in stride.

Your cordial chime, it softly billows grain

Betwixt the sunken shells where rhythms hide

Then turn the blazing sun to gray hurr'cane,

And through the tempest you will be my guide.

I'll hear your whistled music song, the breeze,

For followed foolish fallow whispers wane

Against the crashing tides 'til torrents ease

And leave us two both walking wake again.

So through the storms and heavy squalls, my friend,

Just know I'll always stay by you, your wind.

The author's comments:

My primary inspiration for this piece was my relationship with my mom.  She is there for me through everything, rain or shine, good times and bad.  I find comfort in being by her side, and I'd like her to know that even when I do go away I'll always be with her.

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