One-Way Street | Teen Ink

One-Way Street

May 3, 2016
By ocdotter0701 BRONZE, Goshen, Indiana
ocdotter0701 BRONZE, Goshen, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"He who has a why to live for can bear through almost any how"
~Friedrich Nietzsche

How is it now, so long after depart
That you should still be the one on my heart?
How could it be, shrouded in mystery
That you’re destined to be much more than me?
You are with him, and that is fine with me
But all I want is just to be happy.
You drag me down, you make me feel so low
But pick me up, and make me feel so loved.
But it’s over now, the dark days are gone,
And you were never meant to be the one.
For love is always just a one way street,
And one of you will always feel defeat.
I love you now, I’ll love you when I’m dead,
But you need to get right out of my head.

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