Love and Her Blacksmith | Teen Ink

Love and Her Blacksmith

April 11, 2016
By adelucz BRONZE, Gloucester City, New Jersey
adelucz BRONZE, Gloucester City, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You are enough. You are so enough it is unbelievable how enough you are."

Hephaestus himself has made me serrate.

He thrusts my tempered heart into the fire --
A just victim of cold, hot, steely, hate
Whose passion is encased in chilled desire.
A vengeful goddess’s machinations
As she creates a beatific new beau.
Molded from clay, but ends like Adonis.
What else can the heart’s fickle sponsor throw?
But Love and her Blacksmith meekly gave up
When War appeared to rear his charming head.
And if a destined duo can break up,
What chance does that leave for poor me, instead?
Even if love’s just mercurial, hot
I would rather have that than lone death's rot.

The author's comments:

The popular opinion is that growing up with immediate access to the internet, our generation is growing more and more impatient and demanding. We are thought to be desensitized to each other, to almost expect short, meaningless flings rather than any real long-lasting relationship. However, examples throughout history and mythology have shown that it is in our nature as humans, not just millenials, to be constantly seeking the next best thing. In other words, heart break is part of life.

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