The Agony of Being Speechless | Teen Ink

The Agony of Being Speechless

April 1, 2016
By thenerdstrikesback BRONZE, Harper, Kansas
thenerdstrikesback BRONZE, Harper, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The powers of speech escape me daily

When called upon in class I often freeze

While others seem so confident and free

They speak in public as if it's a breeze.


I don't understand why I am so shy,

The suffering I feel, I feel alone.

Writing is my passion, I will share my

Creative thoughts that show how my mind roams.


Imagination takes me everywhere

I can travel the world and see the sights

My mind is open to the wonders there.

Always open to the revealing lights.


I may be called upon to talk in class

But deep inside my mind is full of sass.

The author's comments:

I wrote this as a sonnet for my English class, but also I wrote it because being speechless is terrible for me. I am a writer and I love to talk to people and be a part of a conversation. So when I have writers block or don't know what to say in a conversation it is seriously a horror.

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