A Pyromaniac's lighter | Teen Ink

A Pyromaniac's lighter

March 28, 2016
By Anonymous

Shall I compare thee to consuming ash?

Thou dust do ease a gray pleasure of late.
Our thriving flame from a soft hard whiplash –
Embers and cinders with young old treasure.

Thou encompass true fire in the faux light,
Like the warmth heats thy waves of the mind.
Thou touch seethes the skin wrongly the way right,
And all thy great red blaze become so blind.

Thou pale coal glows like a vast new bonfire,
With thou fierce slag engulfs my eager heart.
And though they may douse and quench and inquire,
We shall be made as ash and flame apart.

For thou will be the fire to my new flare.
My burn take heed, I will always be there.

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