Farewell Highschool | Teen Ink

Farewell Highschool

March 17, 2016
By njara BRONZE, Miami, Florida
njara BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Shall it be as a blue time bittersweet
Soft as a tune or gleaming as a dime
Or may my four years swing by like a treat
La Salle may linger my mind for some time
My time has faded like two drops at sea
The classes, the schedules are now a past 
I reckon Senioritis a degree 
High school has been a clock flying quite fast
I shall leave the green and gold covered halls
Without a shadow of GPA fears
With a story and diploma for all
I must not shed any blue clean crisp tears
     But I leave with a simple senior quote
     Teensy compared to memories I wrote.

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