The Words of a Broken Heart | Teen Ink

The Words of a Broken Heart

March 13, 2016
By SanjanaT BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
SanjanaT BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You knew that I only had half a heart-
What had happened before still haunted me.
But becoming friends with you was not smart,
I locked my heart but soon you found the key.

You made me laugh when I wanted to cry
And you held my hand, not letting me go.
When I was with you I could fly so high,
What had gone by fast I now wish was slow.

But soon I saw you slip away from me-
All the words you said to me you took back
And the promises you held all broke free.
You had lied to me, your heart painted black.

I’m left to pick up my heart piece by piece
As you walked away with hardly a crease.

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