Glass Bones and Paper Skin | Teen Ink

Glass Bones and Paper Skin

March 7, 2016
By Minxy_Studios BRONZE, Wahsington, North Carolina
Minxy_Studios BRONZE, Wahsington, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Rose petals, drifting in the wind
Rain dancing upon my skin.

Nature’s sweet nothings for me to hear
Intimate moments drawing me near

State of being, does not exist
In euphoric dreams like this.

State of mind keeps me alive…

She was the most angelic thing he’d seen
She is an angel clipped of her white wings
A lost pure soul gone drifting in between
With beauty that would make the heavens sing

He saw more than just her broken pained heart
She’s strangled by the harsh words of others
For the scars she bears are her work of art
Not knowing the tender touch of lovers

Him wishing just to see her smile once more
Her pain and tears sending silent alarms
To see the sparkling beauty he adores
She shall be safe in the hold of his arms

For she lives with glass bones and paper skin
And this is the simple cruel world lived in

The author's comments:

In the past few weeks my English 2 Honors teacher has taught the class to write shakespearean sonnets. This is the one I turned in, the one she is submitting into a contest. We were required to write one but I have planned out about 5 of them, and as I finish them I will post them.

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