Only an Allusion | Teen Ink

Only an Allusion

February 7, 2016
By hunterkeller BRONZE, Deerfield, Massachusetts
hunterkeller BRONZE, Deerfield, Massachusetts
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Winter’s icy breeze wraps around my face.
Whistles through lonely branches, as a train,
Calling into the night, without a trace.
Vivid snowflakes rest on the windowpane.

Late at night snow keeps falling, streetlights glow.
Black rounded footprints trail up the driveway.
Snow as white as clouds, clouds as white as snow.
Chilly mornings turn into frigid day.

Frosty nose, wind pierced hands, blurry vision.
White gracefully slacked high on all things near,
Cars drive on through, a daring decision.
Endless snow falling, the sky was not clear.

And I saw your smile through misty air,
But as I looked again, you were not there.

The author's comments:

Originally a homework assignment in our poetry unit in English class as we were working on digesting Sonnet 29 by Shakespere. 

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