Survivors | Teen Ink


January 21, 2016
By cookiemonster571 BRONZE, Suwanee, Georgia
cookiemonster571 BRONZE, Suwanee, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments


So here we are, on top of defeat
Oh really, now you wanna be sweet?
Last time I remember
You were a member
Of the stones they threw
And the obstacles we climbed through.
But you know what, I would do it again
Just to see you loose your sane.
Stereotype broken
Our actions have spoken.
We are survivors
I thought you were of the advisors
Now look at me, this is my revival
I have come back, much more wiser
Slashed through evil,
Like a knight from the medieval
Don't stand with your eyes popped out
Reflect back on our treacherous route
All the hardship
Made us a warship
Show me your best
‘Cuz we have been through the test
Think twice before judging
Because there came my might crushing
After all, I can survive
Your hate's my soil, it helps me to thrive

The author's comments:

This is for the people who rised above hate and denial form others. This is our celebration!

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