Peoples' toy | Teen Ink

Peoples' toy

January 21, 2016
By cookiemonster571 BRONZE, Suwanee, Georgia
cookiemonster571 BRONZE, Suwanee, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Peoples’ toy

Go ahead and smile;
don`t let the hate compile.
You`re perfect sweetheart,
the sparkle is shining your heart.
Chin up, head high;
don’t let a tear fall from your eye.
Get up and dance
and don’t give others a glance.
Why should others see the beauty of your soul,
when you’re content with your whole?
No matter what they say,
be the way you may.
‘Cuz if you listen to them
you wont be that gem.
unoriginal and lost,
you`ll be the peoples’ toy at any cost.
I would rather they hate me,
then change to who they wanna see.
I’m not picture perfect
but at least I’m not wrecked,
because you became a façade long ago
and my journey is yet to grow.

The author's comments:

Often times, I see people that change who they are just so society could accept them. Well then this is my rebutal. 

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