The Color Blue | Teen Ink

The Color Blue

October 22, 2015
By Marilynae_ BRONZE, San Pedro, California
Marilynae_ BRONZE, San Pedro, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Blue is the color of the sky after rain,
It is the color of the blood running through our veins.
Blue is the sound of the ocean after dark,
It is the feeling of a small electrical spark.
Blue is the color of a London Blue topaz,
It is like the soothing sound of jazz.
Blue is like a giant sapphire diamond,
Or the feeling of a long car-ride home when you’re tired.
Blue is a raspberry Jolly Rancher,
like the sound of innocent laughter.
Blue are sad eyes,
it is as smooth as ice,
or the feeling of telling a perfect lie.
Blue is sadness,
Blue is fearless,
Blue is being completely tasteless.
Blue is the feeling of a big, big mess.

The author's comments:

My Creative Writing teacher gave me this assignment. She handed me a crayon and said, "just write about it."

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