Hurt Everything | Teen Ink

Hurt Everything

October 25, 2015
By vannarubi BRONZE, Miami, Florida
vannarubi BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He has always thought of me as the Sun;
Then I knew Neptune could not bring himself
To meld our stupid vessels into one.
The caustic helium and methane cells
Bittered the ice giant and pacified
My vim until we could no longer clash.
His lithic surface, I romanticized.
Constant toothaches and a red hot heat rash
Had compelled him to hurt everything.
I blistered and flared. I thought I was strong.
I thought of Neptune as a teething ring.
I seethed his skin with hot glares. I was wrong.
What will become of all this melted salt?
He surrendered and withdrew. We dissolved.

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