Good Ol' Football Game | Teen Ink

Good Ol' Football Game

October 8, 2015
By CamBurkhart BRONZE, Decatur, Indiana
CamBurkhart BRONZE, Decatur, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s so much fun to watch the players play,
when they score I love hearing excitement;
listening to the crowd shouting,” Hooray!”
I love being at this thrilling event.

College football is the most fun to see:
everyone dressed in their college color.
People always shouting the word,” Yippee!”
The atmosphere here is like no other.

The student section is so fun to see,
as they hold their flag as high as the sky.
They raise up their flag with a lot a glee;
their spirits are always so high, so high.

The game of football will always be fun,
whether there is snow, hail, sleet, rain, or sun!

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