High School Madness | Teen Ink

High School Madness

April 29, 2015
By kailsbrzezi BRONZE, Simi Valley, California
kailsbrzezi BRONZE, Simi Valley, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She stopped talking and started screaming loud,

Her teachers stopped calling home, nothing worked,

You would never find her with the big crowd,

The teachers blamed themself, maybe overworked.


She had nights where she couldnt sleep for hours, 

Her parents tried everything nothing helped,

Never ending days fillled of sleep and showers,

The parents would think she got kidnapped,


She was a known artist but not for art,

You wouldnt find her art on walls with paint,

But rather on her wrist from knifes and darts,

Yesterday her artwork stopped with faint,


That night everyone saw lights that meant death,

You would never hear her beautiful breath.

The author's comments:

This peom started as a english assignment after we read romeo and juliet. My teacher is very fond of my peoms and know that we started our peotry unit she shared with me this website. This is the first and only peom that came to mind. I dedicate this to Mrs. Dillion! Thank you for all your support!! <3

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