Love is a game | Teen Ink

Love is a game

May 1, 2015
By Riahmarie BRONZE, Arlington TX, Texas
Riahmarie BRONZE, Arlington TX, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

            Love is a pain, a dirty shame, it’s a game.
          say you're “PERFECTLY FINE” but, it’s a LIE.
          babygirl he’s the BLAME so he ClAIMS.
         saying he’d help you fly just created a BAD GUY.
        He’d could be the player, you're just a GAME.
       stay locked up a good way to hide your FACE.
      you notice his game but not his dirty FAME. 
     just be happy show your face like a strong ARMY BASE.
    Protect your heart, it’s a diamond in the ROUGH.
   protect your feelings but, hide your HEART.
   couldn’t take the pain, she had ENOUGH.
   started dealing with the process of HEALING.
  She gave her all protected, gave her all, and stayed HONEST.
The strongest woman broke and she was ASTONISHED.

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