Jesus Price | Teen Ink

Jesus Price

April 22, 2015
By ThomasPlekanec BRONZE, Duncan, South Carolina
ThomasPlekanec BRONZE, Duncan, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh Carey Price, the splendid goalie for
The Montreal Canadiens, saving
Almost every shot, is who I adore.
He will soon obtain the Cup he’s craving.
Number thirty one had forty four wins
This season, nine of them being shutouts,
And was the cause of my numerous grins.
Price carried the team during scoring droughts.
Injuries have been his major trouble,
And the defense does not always perform.
The goals he concedes are often double,
The Bay Lightning give him a scoring storm.
Every game Price will carry out his part.
There is no doubt that he deserves the Hart.

The author's comments:

I am a big Montreal Canadiens fan, and after the superb season that Carey Price had, he deserves some recognition. This sonnet expresses my adoration for him.

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