Memories on the Beach | Teen Ink

Memories on the Beach

April 8, 2015
By Brianb BRONZE, SAN DIEGO, California
Brianb BRONZE, SAN DIEGO, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dawn arises and the sky fills with blue
Barefoot as my feet slide across the sand
Small grains of tiny sand with its brown hue
Can’t resist to feel it with my hands

I look ahead and want to explore more
A speechless view as far as eyes can reach
Deep blues fill my eyes as I stand offshore
Beauty covers the surface of the beach

An endless place of fun and adventure
Where I spent most time during summer days
With family and friends we go venture
Fun under the heat of the summer blaze

But winter has come and summer is gone
So I must wait again for summer’s dawn

The author's comments:

Summer Vacation is close...

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