Gabriel Fauré – Fantasie | Teen Ink

Gabriel Fauré – Fantasie

February 13, 2015
By Emma Piedilato BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Emma Piedilato BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Vibrato tapers off into a quiet whisper,
the pitch swells and staccato notes crisper.
Beautifully blended, the pitch continues to rise.
At the peak, the piece descends into its ultimate demise.

Her tone softens and becomes low,
the warm tones are a shining ray of hope blown
as a cluster of eighth notes articulate the six eight feel.
The anxiety builds with accidentals, completely unreal.

The quick chromatic runs strike fear,
like a kingdom attacked, but nobody can hear.
A shrill trill signals the end;
the song becomes soft again.

The tempo slows to restore the peace,
Ending on a warm low tone the performer finally releases.

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