Cold Elope | Teen Ink

Cold Elope

February 11, 2015
By Gavin Stapley SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
Gavin Stapley SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

The coldness burns my soul into the ground

We still have nostalgia for all the heat
She’s afraid of what comes after defeat
A ring that will make them forever bound
Within that twilight I was to be crowned
My king, We will never be incomplete
We never knew what waited down the street
We knew we would never be safe and sound
We ran far and she never quit trying
Of all things, we lost ourselves in the night
She finally slowed and began crying
The look in her eyes was nothing but fright
We both knew this was where we were dying
With that, this poem I began to write.

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