Revenge | Teen Ink


February 1, 2015
By Kara Griswold BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Kara Griswold BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My blood boils at the sight of your face tonight

What you did to me makes my bones ignite

You standing there with her on your hip

Like it wasn't just yesterday you kissed my lips

I hope you realize that was the worst mistake of your life


Standing there plotting my revenge, pretending to be polite

You don't diserve to be alright

Watching you two dance and dip

My blood boils at the sight


I almost feel guilty about what I am about to incite

In all honesty, it's just you I dislike

The way you look at her makes me sick

I am almost ready to quit

Instead I move in to strike

My blood boils at the sight of your face tonight

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