Poisonous Pain | Teen Ink

Poisonous Pain

January 23, 2015
By canyounot BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
canyounot BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"imagination rules the world" - Napoleon

Splintered into two,
Felt like breaking my back
Yet, worse than any could do.

Slowly it melted
Sliding through the cracks,
Felt as though I had been pelted
As sure as facts are facts.

Spreading like poisonous fingers
Creeping through skin and bone,
In my soul it lingers
For, I am, alone.

Death seemed so close
No will to live on,
For I was given the highest dose
When I awoke that dawn.

My memory refuses to fail me
Forever I am stuck,
With a scar none can see
I have been robbed of all my luck.

Violently in the night
Sadness cripples me,
Reminds me of my plight
As solitude brings me to my knee.

I see his face always
No matter how hard I try,
He stays with me for days and days
Yet he is gone, and this, is why I cry.

Darkness surrounds me
Casts a shadow upon my face
No one listens to my plea,
No one willing to hear my case.

Tears are never far
They soak my pillow nightly
One cannot heal a scar,
Not one I've had since I was sprightly.

Tendrils of sadness overcame me
They managed to swallow me whole,
I drowned in self pity
Unable to fight with my dead soul.

Tears beaded my complexion
Their salty taste forever on my lips,
For if one leaned in for further inspection
They should hear how my heart skips.

For my heart has become weak
Weary and tired,
With him, it was at peak
But now, it has expired.

The author's comments:

I was incredibly depressed when I wrote this and somehow writing out my feelings helped me let go of them. Trying that could never hurt. 

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