Friday Nights | Teen Ink

Friday Nights

January 19, 2015
By Alyssa15 BRONZE, Amelia, Virginia
Alyssa15 BRONZE, Amelia, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The lines on the field are painted a bright white.
I see the sun set slowly behind the goal post.
My eyes are blinded by the electric light.
At games we go all out and do the most.
I can hear the sizzle and pop of greasy concession stand food.
The crowd cheers from the stands.
From around the corner a little kid playing tag begins to cry,
And music is played from the band.
The quarterback passes the ball,
And the cheerleaders yell for him to go all the way.
While he is sprinting to the end zone we hope that he does not fall.
“And that is another touchdown” we hear the announcer say.
This is a Friday night football game.
Someday these boys could reach real fame.

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