Breaking Away | Teen Ink

Breaking Away

January 15, 2015
By MPlourde BRONZE, New Gloucester, Maine
MPlourde BRONZE, New Gloucester, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I miss you, when you're gone, feels so alone.
You're the thing that makes me more than happy.
You're the one thing that makes me feel at home.
When you've left, it feels so very crappy.

But you're not mine, dear, you may never be.
Always you're  adored, never to be mine.
Why must you stand so gosh darn close to me
Teased, I'm like an alcoholic with wine.

Always burning me, the sparks of my love.
Your green clouds have choked out all human thought.
Delusions that come on the wings of doves.
I will never regret the love I bought.

It may be torture, but I'm addicted.
My love will remain un-contradicted.

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