Only Me | Teen Ink

Only Me

November 29, 2014
By olivia.twinkie SILVER, SanDiego, California
olivia.twinkie SILVER, SanDiego, California
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When I was younger I was always busy because I was an only child
My parents told me I was precious
But cringed at the thought of another me because I’m wild
But id prefer the word adventurous
Id could run around in circles for hours
Swing from the curtains and drink lemonade
Pick all my grandmas flowers
Put all my Barbies hair in braids
And still get a good nights rest
I got tucked in every night
Even after being a pest
They would turn off the light
And I’d close my eyes
Only to be haunted by a soul that never dies

The author's comments:

I was always the only child and was alone at my house filled with energy.

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