This Grey World | Teen Ink

This Grey World

November 19, 2014
By TayKay BRONZE, Winsted, Minnesota
TayKay BRONZE, Winsted, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A pessimist complains about the wind; an optimist expects it to change; a realist adjusts the sails."
"I'm so sorry that you are about to be exposed to the part of my mind that nobody else really has access to."

Yesterday is now tomorrow's today. 

You never shall fret, worry, or allow 

your inner self to fasly fade away.

Your youth is much too important right now.


The knowledge of life may never suffice 

the satisfaction of an open mind.

Use the content of yourself as a vice.

Never regret decisions to be kind.


Although the barricades may be tempting,

openness could be the most honest thought. 

The beauty of the world is now melting

by those with cold hearts that can not be taught.


The grey world is heavy to understand;

don't forget to ask for a helping hand. 

The author's comments:

This piece was originally written as a small poem I had wrote for pure enjoyment, until I was informed we needed a sonnet for an assignment. I adjusted the syllables and created the iambic pentameter. Hank Green's quote, "the whole world is grey, and if you just appreciate and understnad that, then it's beautiful," inspired this piece. If you find an open mind while still in your youth, you are likely to find peace and maturity much easier. 

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